marți, 14 octombrie 2014

[Seth x Mana]

The applauses were filling up the huge theather where the Moi dix Mois concert has taken place. The fans were screaming their lungs out for the band members who were enjoying their successful show from that night in the backstages.
"Great show!" Seth exclaimes doing the rock horns pose with his hand. "Keep up the good work, everyone!" he added as the members clapped satisfied.
Hayato was lying on the couch enjoying an old red wine. Sugiya was leaning againsrt the wall trying not to fall asleep on the cold floor. He would open his eyes each time his head was hitting the wall.
Mana sama was fixing up his make up in front of the mirror.
Suddenly knocks were coming from the other side of the door.
"Excuse my intrude!" one of the staff members slowly cracked the door open. Seth nodded his head in a way of telling him it's safe to enter.
As the staff member opened the door more, two figures appeared from behind him.
"Here are the winners of the VIP backstage tickets." he announced.
The band manager would usually hold contests on the radio of Internet for fans to have the chance to win VIP backstage tickets. This time the winners were from Romania.
Tho girls with very different appearances. One was tall with read hair covering her shoulders, dressed up in an almost exact replica of Seth's costume. Even the eyepatch was identical. The other one was really short and chubby but with a cute doll face features which suited perfectly her black and white lolita-wa dress, kinda resembling the image of a panda.
Just like the other fangirls who had the occassion to meet the Moi dix Moix members from such a short distance, both of them looked like they were going to faint each second.
"Nice meeting you, ladies!" Seth approached with his arms wide open as a welcome.
Both of them squeaked blushing deeply and bowing politely.
Seth chuckled and wrapped his arm around the talles one's shoulders. Luckily, he had his tall heels as otherwise, he would barely reach her eyes with his forehead.
"So that's how I would look in the female version" he was thinking. "And what might these lovely ladies' names be?"
"C-C-Cristina!" the taller one answered firstly.
"Uhh, excuse me?" Seth wasn't too used to foreign names.
"Uhhh-uhhh~ Ritsu! Call me Ritsu, please!!" her cheeks were burning lightly.
"Oh, it's a pleasure, Ritsu!" Seth smiled satisfied that he has setted the ambulance number as emergency call in case they lose conscious. "And yours?" he faced the chubby panda girl.
"Uhhh..." her gaze on Mana sama's legs was interrupted. "Andra!" she answered after taking some time to remember her own name.
"An~du~ra?" Seth tried to pell her name.
"Call me Misaki, please!" she added.
Seth nodded offering his deadly smile to both of them then glanced at the other members. Hayato understood Seth's stare and took action.
"Would you like a drink?" he asked pouring some wine in another glass.
"Uhhh~ we are actually mino-" Ritsu was interrupted by the short girl hitting her hip with her elbow as a "hush" sign.
"Sure!!" Misaki answered as she joined him.
Ritsu was still in Seth's embrace feeling paralyzed. She glanced around the room looking at Mana sama noticing he was staring back at her reflection in the mirror, which sent shivers all the way down her spine.
"I wonder how does Mana sama's make up taste like..." she was wondering to herself.
"Come here." Seth playfully smiled at her.
He walked the lady to a counter taking Hayato's drum sticks and one of the cymbals. He placed both of them in her hands and then made her walk together with him to Sugiya who has already fallen asleep. His hands were over hers controlling her moves.
"One... two..." he didn't reach the third number as he made Ritsu hit the cymbal with the drum sticks several times, making the bassist jump out of his dream world.
He let out several curses in japanese then he noticed the girl in front of him while Seth has already left her side acting innocently.
"S-sorry!! Sorry sorry! " Ritsu blushed deeply apologizing, not even noticing when she let both the sticks and cymbal fall on the floor producing a loud annoying noise. "OMG!! SORRY SORRY SORRY!!" she covered her deeply blushing face in shock.
Seth couldn't help but escape a laughter.
"It's okay!" Sugiya tried calming the poor girl down, who was still apologizing and bowing in front of him. He glared at Seth knowing it was his fault. The bassist bent over to pick up the stuff and smiled at the girl which made her sigh in relief.
Seth pat her back whispering: "Good job!"
Her cheeks were in flame.
Seth glanced at Mana who was standing aside still in front of the mirror. He knew Mana was shy but he could at least turn, salute by his head and then sit quietly with the others, like he would usually do. He didn't ask for the impossible, like sharing a smile. And a conversation was out of the question.
"Hey, don't be so indifferent with our guests." Seth whispered in Mana's ear but all he received back was Mana turning his head on the other way.
Seth sighed and looked after the tall girl he has left behind. Sugiya did a good job keeping her busy and seemed like she has accommodated to him. The chubby girl has also found her accommodation in the wine she was drinking with Hayato. Suddenly he felt a pull on his arm and turned his head to Mana's direction.
He opened his mouth but said nothing. Instead he moved his lips in a motion that Seth understood as "I want home."
Seth wanted to drive Mana home but he he knew that  Hayato would  become a pervert, well, bigger than he was, when being drunk and a fangirl wouldn't resist so he had to stay.
He whispered "I'm sorry" to Mana.
In the next second Mana has walked away exiting the room. Seth sighed and scratched the back of it. He wanted to go after him but he was kept busy.
"Is Mana-sama okay?" the voice behind him was Ritsu's. Her face expression was showing concern.
"He just doesn't feel too well." Seth replied faking a smile.
"You wanna go check on him?" the girl asked.
Seth moved his head in the direction of Misaki and Hayato.
"Sugiya and I can take care of them." Ritsu smiled.
The next thing she felt were a pair of arms wrapped around her body.
"Thank you so much!" Seth let her go gripping her shoulders. "Oh and after that, I might want your phone number." he turned to exit the room and as he closed the door behind him he could swear he has heard a squeaking scream from the room.
Not too long after, he has found Mana curled up on the floor with his back against the wall.
"Mana!" Seth called for him and walked towards the man.
Mana rose up his head to look at Seth who was now kneeling in front of him.
"Let's get you home."  he said placing his hand on Mana's.

The way to Mana's apartment wasn't too long but the silence made it seem like it.
Just when they arrived in Mana's apartment for some coffee, Seth has started talking.
"What's been up to you today?"
Mana looked at him absently like he wouldn't get what he meant.
"Your performance was great but when it's about meeting the fans you always step aside. You're a great person, let the others see that too." Seth tried approaching Mana for a hug but the man has backed off. "What happened?" Seth added.
"In the backstages you were all around the girls. You even hugged them." Mana  finally started to talk, voice shivering.
"I just tried being friendly..."
"You were way too friendly..."
"Wait, were you jealous?" Seth smirked.
"No!"  Mana protested. "I just... want you to look only at me." he added playing with his fingers nervously.
Seth looked at Mana pretty surprised.
"But I am!" Seth ran to the man in front of him and wrapped his arms tightly around his body.
Mana's body was shivering in Seth's embrace.
"No, I you're not... It didn't seem like it back then.." Mana murmured against his chest.
"But I can prove it to you now tho." Seth whispered in Mana's ear.
The redhead man cupped his cheek making him look up. His eyes were shinning, sure sign he was nearly crying. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against Mana's. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Seth's lips playing with his.
"Nhh~" Mana let soft sounds escape through their lips as Seth has deepened the kiss.
Mana let Seth's tongue penetrate his soft lips. The vocalist's little muscle explored Mana's mouth with lust, his arms caressing his back until they have found the little, almost invisible buttons from the back and pulled the small accessories through the holes making the top be more loose.
"N~nhhh~ S-Seth" Mana pulled from Seth's embrace trying to fix the buttons but the man stopped him.
"It's okay. You wanted me to look at you only, right?" he grabbed his wrists gently just so he would walk him to the wall.
Now Mana's body was squeezed between the wall from the back and Seth's strong body. The redhead pinned Mana's hands above his head, burrying his head in the man's neck breathing in his body essence.
"Aaahhh~~" Mana moaned as Seth pierced his neck with his fangs.
He started to suck on the pale skin gripping his wrists with one hand while the other carressed all over his top body making him arch his back.
Mana's moans turned louder when Seth licked the hickeys left on the pale skin. He freed mana's wrists, pulling the top down making it slide down his arms. The kisses continued to trail down his bare shoulders.
Mana wrapped his arms around Seth's body pulling him closer in the same time gripping his top trying to pull it off.
"Let me help you." Seth whispered against Mana's ear and grabbed the edges of the top pulling it over his head.
Mana bit his lip blushing deeply as he trailed the tip of his fingers down his worked-out abdomen. Seth smiled from his touches tugging on his lower lip sucking on it. He then trailed his tongue lower upon his proeminent collarbone starting to suck along leaving dark hickeys behind.
Seth's knee pulled between Mana's legs starting to rub against that place. Soon he has felt something hard rubbing against his knee. 
"Are you getting excited when I touch you here, love?" Seth whispered smirking as he pushed his knee harder against Mana's crotch.
The gothic lolita wrapped one leg around Seth's waist as the vocalist sneaked his naughty hand under his dress rubbing then squeezing his inner thigh hard making the man moan his name in pleasure. 
Seth grabbed his other thigh and wrapped that one around his waist too so he would rub his already aroused covered dick against his partner. Mana clinged even tighter to the man, feeling each inch of his body pulsating against his. 
Seth's tongue was moving in slow circles lower until it has met his lover's pink hard nipples. Mana bit his lip really hard to restain his loud moans once he felt Seth's hot tongue wetting his chest. 
"Ahhh~" he let his lip go once Seth has pinched his nipples between his fangs starting to suck hard. 
One of the vocalist's hands were holding Mana's fragile body while with the other one, he started teasing the other nibble through his fingers. Mana pulled Seth's red hair starting to move his hips in circles. Seth's hand left Mana's nipple moving his nails on his skin leaving red straight marks behind, stopping just when he has found the zipper which kept the lolita's dress safe from falling. He grabbed the tiny piece of metal and pulled it down.
"Rise your arms up, love." the redhead demanded as Mana has obeyed.
Seth pushed Mana harder against the wall, grabbing the skirt of the dress then took it off throwing it on the floor, near his shirt. He wrapped his arms back around Mana's tiny body as he started to walk to the bedroom. 
Unlike the way back home, this one was filled with touches and passionate kisses. Once they have walked inside the bedroom, Seth has carefully laid Mana on the sheets, pinning his thin body under his. 
Seeing his strong masculine body above his, Mana tilt his head on one side, letting his hair cover his deeply blushing face. 
"Don't hide it." Seth whispered cupping Mana's cheek in his palm turning to face him, noticing some blood dripping from his lip. 
He sticked his tongue out licking the blood smirking, enjoying the taste of his lover's life liqour. He trailed his fingers down his body, grabbing the space between his legs starting to rub it, making Mana arch his back moaning out his partner's name. 
"Yes, love?" Seth murmured with his lips sticked to the skin of his neck.
"T-take me.." Mana trailed his nails down Seth's arms. "I want you to only be mine for tonight." he added. 
Seth planted a kiss on Mana's lips.
"I am always only yours, love." he whispered unbuttoning his jeans, pulling them off together with his underwear to reveal his stone hard dick. 
Seth wrapped his fingers around the root starting to stroke along the length several times feeling his precum leaking from the head. He took some on his fingers, sneaking them in Mana's laced underwear, pushing his middle finger inside his tight entrance. He started thrusting his finger in and out Mana's body making him let out loud moans.
"Just a bit more." Seth murmured as he inserted a second finger inside.
He started moving them faster, parting them so Mana's entrance would widen for his member. His mouth approached Mana's pink nipples teasing one with his tongue, taking one of them between his teeth squeezing it.
"N-No~" Mana murmured through the moans.
"What is it, love?" Seth looked up at his lover, without leaving his nipple without the warm touch of his mucle.
"I-I can't ...take it much longer..." the lolita added panting hard.
"There no more wait." the redhead whispered then pressed his lips against Mana's into a deep kiss, pulling the hem of his underwear, ripping and sliding it off his soft legs. "I can't take much longer without you either, love." He added rubbing the head of his hard dick against his tiny hole.
Seth started pushing inside Mana's entrance, feeling his inner walls squeeze around his stone hard member.
"Arghh~" Mana groaned as all of his lover's member was buried entirely inside him.
"Does it hurt?" he asked cupping his deeply blushing cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
Mana shook his head gently looking straight into his eyes. Seth smirked biting his lower lip as he started moving his hips, making thrusting motions. He smirked looking at Mana's face, knowing it was him who was making his facial expression full of pleasure. The vocalist licked the two fingers he used to widen Mana's entrance.
"My love is always so tasty from inside out." he murmured in the hottest horniest voice Mana has ever heared.
His thrusts turned rougher, making the man under him move his body forwards with each thrust. He started stroking along his partner's length pretty fast, making his moans turn higher. Mana's nails were trailing all over his skin leaving red marks. Seth's nails were also buried inside his hips. Each time the thrusts turned faster, the lolita's moans were becoming louder.
The redhead pinned the fragile body under him more into the bed, kissing him deeply as he let his thick seed fill it up.
Mana also came between their bodies, screaming out his beloved one's name.
Both of them were breathing hard, shivering in each other's embrace.
Seth tried parting, noticing Mana's cum has made their abdomen's sticked together. He lowered himself as he trailed his tongue on Mana's abdomen, cleaning it.
The lolita was so embarassed he covered his deeply blushing face with his hands. Seth couldn't hide a smirk as he pulled out, letting his cum leak out of Mana's body.

In the bathroom, the only sound was the water moving at each motion of the lovers' body.
"Was that a strong enough proof?" Seth has broke the silence.
Mana didn't answer but he nodded and nuzzles inside Seth's chest as a response.
"I love you" he murmured listening to the beats of his beloved one's heart.
"I love you too." Seth answered wrapping one of his arms around Mana's body squeezing him gently in his embrace.

Hope you enjoyed it~
Stay creepy and love yaoi.

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